January 21, 2015
[The Nousletter letterhead features a detail of the Crab Nebula, M1, remnant of a supernova that occurred in 1054 AD. Photograph by Hugo Palomares. Full image.]
Hello Again and Welcome to the Nousletter from Gaiaspora.org, offering gnostic intel and Sophianic insight on events and issues of today. This is issue #9 presented by your friendly homegrown telestes, John Lash. The title is The Unrifted Flake.
Romantic individuality considered in three aspects:
1 psychological or dynamic
2 historical
3 mythical, episodic (in the Sophianic narrative)
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Kali shift 2015 begins January 21. Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury in the Western Sky.
Donna me Priegha, “A Lady Asks Me”
Gender issues: With the expression of romantic individuality in the KWP, the genders stand as equals, warriors side by side. Balance, bipolar or dyadic energy – requires the heterosexual formula, male-female, the biological basis of human character. Other gender variants are out of balance and cannot achieve the necessary equilibrium to carry the full force of rage.
Earth Warrior : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71swxdSzY1w
Omnia Concert : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXPDmK5eNvg
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The secret name of the Diamond Sky Dakini of the constellation of the Snaketamer; VUDASI
jll – Andalucia 21 January 2015