Nousletter #1: Constructing Conscience

21 September 2014

Constructing Conscience


Apologies for clicking and knocking sounds on the first part of this talk, due to the mic line hitting the pickup mic.  I am in the process of applying funds generously donated to my work for the purchase of a professional podcasting mic to insure the best sound quality in future talks. jll 

[The Nousletter letterhead features a detail of the Crab Nebula, M1, remnant of a supernova that occurred in 1054 AD. Photograph by Hugo PalomaresFull image.]

Hello Again and Welcome to the Nousletter from, offering gnostic intel and Sophianic insight on events and issues of today. This is issue #1 presented by your friendly homegrown telestes, John Lash. The title is Constructing Conscience.

# Gaian Mysteria

The proposal to found a Mystery School. Conditions of the current moment: the best chances for anthropines to achieve their divine potential come at the worst possible moment. What drives the world toward war is merely greed — ENVY. But what enables the envy (working against human nature) is a LIE composed and imposed by those who profit from suffering, destruction, murder and mayhem. At this moment, the LIE comes to be exposed at the moment it is defeated.

The salient countermanding truth to present against the LIE is mutual aid. Initially proposed by the Russian naturalist and anarchist, Peter Kropotkin. Has to be demonstrated in many and diverse ways, one of which is the collaboration required to manifest the Gaian Mysteria, a global network of Mystery Schools, temples and teaching sites.

Excerpt from GNE member Holly, one of the original “fav five”:

“John I am very excited to see you, got a lot to talk to you about.  Very very inspired by the nousletter and message…and its seems like the words are spreading and enthusing people into action and projects within the story.  I am in Iceland right now, you can almost hear the Eddas….Life feels increasingly split down the two, like the chasm is widening, yet the commitment also is also deepening.

“Since some experiences of accessing old memories in 1995, I have been tuned into the idea of a network of temples across the world, temple because that was the nearest word I had for it.  I felt that my destiny was to be part of this, proactive in this.  Now the dreams of the future are coming rapidly into the present, it was strangely comfortable to keep them in the future, now as the chasm widens, and life outside Her beauty becomes increasingly senseless, at the same time this dream calls insistently.  So you can imagine my reaction to your two most recent talks.  The mystery schools, so needed, so desired, so close to manifestation…
“I am still surrounded by a fair degree of nonsense and of course it all seems to be about staying in her dream. Working hard and endeavouring to be graceful about the change, everything I do now needs to be in the story, as I said on the phone.  I have  a lot to write about and share with interested people (of whom I am meeting more and more of) , and would love to run some of it by you.  I need to be more explicit in my everyday life that I am living life in the story too.  Really looking forward to spending some time with you and speaking with you about what is coming….
“oh, and the other uncanny thing, in 2009 I was with a group of people on land in the mountains near Coin, Andalucia, we were endeavouring to create a sanctuary for people who wanted to move into a different way of being, biochemically through connection to the land, through entheogenic nutrition, herbs etc, it disbanded,  we weren’t clear enough, we didn’t know the vision story, and there were personal agendas and dramas, but I learnt so much from that experience, also there is something about Andalucia…I felt pulled for a long time before even first visited….”

Comment on Iceland: Northern climes, “the fortunate isles”. Revival of indigenous languages, epics, folk memory. Anda = wave. pulsation. Mail to GNE of late July. Ringing Cedars, Anastasia — botched attempt, or a fraud. The Bock Saga. Parallels to Kala Tantra?

Michael Merle on redice:–ryLUPOD0

Simultaneously with the endgame of the spoilers, there are supernatural, non-human forces operating at high pitch through the LIE, which also come to be exposed and defeated “at the consummation of their works.” Their works are deceit and fear-montering.

The Apocryphon of John, 56.16-18 ff, referring to the Archons

For their delight is bitter
and their beauty is depraved (anamou)
Their delight (food) is a deception (apate)
and their tree is godlessness.

Their fruit is an incurable poison…
Its leaves (tree) are hatred and deception
and its perfume is an ointment of evil (poneria).

Poneriology is a study of the devices and deceptions of social evil: Political poneriology:

The consummation of this evil brings the anthropine animal to its finest moment. Now is that moment. But is it also the moment to propose and initiate creating a network of  Mystery Schools, sanctuaries of Planetary Tantra?

According to gnostic intel, the executive-level perpetrators of social evil, Zads and their proxies and minions (“Their name is Legion.”)  have the advantage of a supernatural factor that favors deceit, confusion, and demoralization. The challenge of the “war effort” is twofold: first, to face the intra-species predators, the spoilers who profit and dominate in society by deceiving and suppressing others, and second, to introduce the supernatural factor that works for the benefit of goodness, honesty, and mutual aid. In short, to generate the COUNTER-MAGIC against the anti-human spoilers in league with the off-planet parasites, the archons.

The template: “the D-lysine-based chiral PNA-DNA duplex“. Why?

“The level in terms of genocide, is something that is beyond humanity.” (Truthseeker m 7:50, below)

# The Gruesome Reality of the Moment, in Historical Perspective

Envy needs the lie to operate and accomplish its aims: for instance, the lie that there is a war in Gaza or a war in Ukraine, Russia is invading, etc. The elements of the lie about Ukraine are constructed from a former scenario of lies, the Nazi/Holocaust narrative. Like the reworking of a script. Poroshenko calls Eastern Ukrainian Russians vermin. Compare this statement to “The Eternal Jew.” Nazi propaganda film of 1940: “a plague that threatens the health of the Aryan peoples.”

The Eternal Jew:

Not Jew-bashing. A history lesson. Consider it with detachment and dispassion. History repeats itself in Ukraine right now, as if characters, themes, and episodes where extracted (or looted) from a film script of the past, and recomposed and jumbled together into a script for today. The theme of the script is the genocidal agenda: m 9 onward in the clip linked below.

See Deleted series, “The Truthseeker” on RT

“Hitler gave the same reason for ethnically cleansing his country.” Yes, but how did he proceed? Did Hitler do  to Jews in Germany and Poland anything like what the US-backed Kiev regime is currently doing to civilian Russians in East Ukraine? Certainly not. Far from it.

Truthseeker closes with a standard remark about victims who died heroically fighting the Nazis. But the Nazis were fighting the Russian armies led by Judaeo-Bolshevik ideologues who wanted to impose communism on Europe. As usual, the Nazis are slandered with the claim that he was hell-bent on world domination. In reality, the German army under Hitler was attempting to protect Germany and all of Europe against a Jewish Bolshevik regime comparable to the one that is now installed as a US puppet government in Kiev. The old script has been jumbled only to be replayed.

Will the winter of 2014-15 repeat the Holodomor of 1932-33?

# The Courage for Truth

In deconstructing and defeating the Holocaust Legend, two facts among others are essential at the outset.

1, The “final solution” was originally proposed by a Jewish anti-white fanatic, Theodore N. Kaufman. It was intended for the German people.

Germany Must Perish, 1941: “Kaufman advocated the mass extermination through forced sterilization of the German people and the territorial dismemberment of Germany after an Allied victory in World War II.”

2, Extermination of Jews by gassing was not on Hitler’s agenda, and has been proven to have been physically impossible on the scale claimed. But outright murder of Jews was committed by Himmler without Hitler’s knowledge and against his orders: Operation Reinhard.

Interestingly, the figures cited in this article come to 1.7 million, in excess of Irving’s calculation by about half a million. But 1.7 exactly the figure often cited for the Allied genocide of German soldiers and civilians after WWII (see below).

The article reports some facts correctly, but it wrongly says: “killing with carbon monoxide exhaust fumes [was carried out in] the Operation Reinhard killing centers… [where] guards, supervised by Operation Reinhard staff, murdered their victims by using carbon monoxide gas generated by stationary engines and pumped into gas chambers.” Irving says they were shot and buried in pits, not gassed and cremated. Even Jewish scholars such as Raoul Hilberg refrain from endorsing the gas chamber story. Churchill and others who witnessed WWII first-hand do not even mention the infamous death camps. Irving details the Reinhard murders and gives figures. Anyone who challenges the party line of gassing/mass murder/Hitler’s extermination plan, needs to know about Himmler’s program.

m 55 on, Irving talks about Himmler and the Reinhard camps, not to be confused with alleged mass extermination camps using gas chambers. See m1:07: according to Irving, Hitler intervened in this program, ordering Himmler to stop. Irving gave this important talk in August 2013, during reset. His mastery of granular detail of historical records is astounding. Consider the figure 1,274,166, the total of murders under Operation Reinhard over several years until spring 1943. It includes other ethnicities beside Jewish, of course. This is a genuine, document-supported statistic of “the Holocaust,” yes. But it does not fit into the Hollywood version of the event, does it?

Finally, there is Himmler’s blood-chilling recorded talk in Poznan, Poland, which confirms Irving’s claims:

Caveat: In my view, anyone who challenges the official Holocaust narrative would begin by acknowledgement of the Reinhard program, to show supporters of the Holocaust Lie that exposing the Lie does is not tantamount to a total whitewash of the German military. The Reinhard murders were due to a systematic plan of extermination, and Himmler says so in no uncertain terms, but that program  cannot be regarded as Hitler’s grand scheme, and it was not carried out by gas chamber killings on a mass scale. In Hitler’s written and recorded words, there are no statements comparable to what Himmler declares — as far as I know.

# Allied Genocides

Also, finally, regarding genocidal maniacs like Himmler, in that consideration don’t forget to include those on the side of the Allies, notably the bombing of Dresden and the spectacular  mass murders of the crypto-Jew Eisenhower:

Rhine Meadow Death Camps: Summary (with commentary on tattooing)
Full documentary:

In fact, Eisenhower in 1945 took a big step to carry out the “final solution” of the German/Teutonic/Aryan people, those sausage-eating white folk, proposed by the Jewish anti-Aryan fanatic Kaufmann in 1941.

# Crisis of Conscience

Burning the wheatfields, noted by Truthseeker: replay of Holodomor, genocidal starvation in Ukraine in 2014-15, repeating 1932-33?. Who caused it originally? Russians? No Jewish Bolsheviks who hijacked the Russian Revolution. Yet people in western Ukraine blame the Russians for it, in total ignorance of their own history.

Holodomor today:
“The level in terms of genocide, is something that is beyond humanity.” (Truthseeker m 7:50)

# The Question of Suffering

Zen master anecdote: The Zen Teaching of Hui Hai: On Sudden Illumination, translated by John Blofeld, Rider & Company, London, 1960, p. 119.

Once somebody enquired: “Suppose a man is sitting in a boat and the keel cuts to death a shellfish. Is the man guilty or should the boat be blamed?”

M: “Man and boat had no mind to kill the shellfish, and the only person to be blamed is you. When a tearing wind snaps off a branch which falls and kills somebody, there is no murderer and no murdered. In all the world there is no place living beings do not have to suffer.”

“In all the world there is no place where human animals can escape the question of suffering.”

Escape clause: see the Bhagavad Gita II, 19 (Juan Mascaro trans.):

If any man thinks he slays,
or if another thinks he is slain,
neither knows the ways of truth.

The Eternal in man cannot kill:
the Eternal in man cannot die.

Paraphrased in an Emerson poem: “Brahma,” 1857

If the red slayer think he slays,
Or if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.

On Buddhism and Asian pacifism coming to the West, see: How the Swans Came to the Lake by Rick Fields

Finally, this scene in Parzival:

The king came back to us, so pale, and all his strength gone from him, a doctor’s hand delved into the wound until he found the spearhead… [Witnessing this, the Company of the Grail] said, “Who is to be the protector of the Grail’s mysteries?” Then bright eyes wept.

– Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival 9.480

 # A Catechism for Conscience

Query regarding Sophia, received by email on September 11:

“Could you address why Sophia can only, in your own words achieve Correction ” with a measure of human participation…. she needs our witnessing and our interaction in order to correct the experiment “.
So far I haven’t been able to answer that question for myself.”

In my elaboration of the FGS up to 4.0 and counting, I have not explained something essential about the experiment. Its success on her terms depends on what the Anthropine species does in that part of the experiment over which the Wisdom Goddess has no determination at all. She leaves it open, unwritten, undetermined. This omission presents itself in the factor of social conscience.

Have you ever wondered: Why don’t people act on their conscience? What if they don’t have one to act on. No conscience given innately, in a predetermined way, preemptively. It has to be constructed. This is the measure of human participation the Aeon requires for her Correction. Depends largely on historical memory, facts, evidence. But also upon a ritual or exercise of construction… I would propose along these lines.

catechism: a sequence of questions and answers presented in formulaic statements, used for the purpose of inculcating a religious doctrine. E.g., the catechism of the Catholic faIth.

1 Stand before the question of suffering. Accept to face it. No excuses. No theodicy. No karma. No moral consequence, only moral premise. Guilt is not enough. Forgiveness. Compensation (SCALES).

2 Refer to Zen master: distinguish two kinds of suffering, that which is deliberately caused by human animals, harming others. Accept the distinction as an existential fact. Examples. Ascertain that deliberate harm-doing is unmistakable but the agents or perpetrators can be difficult to identify. Yet you see and admit deliberate harm when it happens.

3  Accept that the warrior class needs an ethical framework to triumph over those who deliberartely cause suffering. Gaian ethics. No existing ethical framework is adequate. How to develop such a framework?

# Consider the GRAIL QUESTION, the Amfortas Wound, and the answer Amfortas gives to Parzival: identifies specifically who does harm, causes suffering. Conclude: the world needs a warrior class, to protect the Grail as well as to defeat those who deliberately commit harm and cause suffering.

To be continued…